Slice #16, Twisted Sister

I'm choosing to explore my identities this month, focusing on a different angle of me each day. 

Today, a slice on being a sister.

I have two brothers.  Both about a decade older than me.  Our relationships have taken many different forms over our 50+ years as a family, but one common theme of our entire lives is the celebration of music.  

These days, we mostly stay in touch through our group text chain containing a ridiculous amount of memes and, of course, music related texts.  So, it was no surprise to start my day with a text from Eric, telling us to listen to Black Sabbath's Thrill of It All  ... followed by Shawn's chime in of Metallica's King of Nothing   ... and then my excitement of my music app shuffling to Ozzmosis.   

It seems a small thing, but it is how I know we are all making it.  Processing shit days and happy days by almost always blowing out our speakers.  There's something magical about sharing a song, even if you aren't in the same space.



  1. I agree. There is something magical about sharing a song. It is one of the big connections between my son and daughter-in-law!

  2. I love this! Songs are great connectors!

  3. I had a good grin at your photos on this one. Music and siblings always "get" us, don't they?


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