Slice # 14 -- The Ice Maker

I am a member of our local art museum.  They send out emails titled Object of the Day linking to pieces in the museum and providing some info.  It's nice, and what I will imitate during the Slice of Life challenge for 2024.  Each day, I am highlighting an object used in my daily life and generating a piece of art to accompany my writing by using the AI program, Adobe Firefly.

Today... the ice maker.

This is an odd one, but true.  One of my gauges for knowing that I am 'okay' is that there is ice in the freezer.  I like ice in my drinks.  A lot, I guess.  Unfortunately, something that I don't understand about our water connection (blah, blah, blah) makes the ice maker in our actual freezer not work.  For a long time, I made ice in trays and strangely it just put me in a bad mood.  A couple of years ago, I bought this tiny ice making machine that sits on my counter.  It brings me joy.

Part of my daily routine is to make my Bed, make a bucket of Ice, put in a load of Laundry, and run the Dishwasher.  I call it BILD good routines (bed, ice, laundry, dishes).  It helps me not think of things as chores; they are just part of the never ending work that must be done daily.

Folks, I have not done even one of these chores since Sunday.  Work has kept me on the run for a few days, and I just woke up to no ice, no tea, a sink full of dishes, a broken washing machine (a new one is coming today, FINALLY!), and no will to make my bed.

Hubby just walked around the corner.  "It's a disaster."  I assumed he meant the pile of dishes we left from late night BBQ, but no... he's out of coffee.  This makes me giggle.  Because, know what?  I'm in a great mood despite trashing all of my routines that bring me peace.  Hubby is on spring break, and I'm taking the day off!  

I'm off to grab us a coffee and tea full of ice.  I hope you find a way to break some of your own rules today too!


  1. Enjoy this day "off" and your "ice" however you get it!

  2. Our ice maker doesn’t work either. I am not happy when I want ice and have none, which isn’t a problem in winter. In summer I keep bags of ice in the chest freezer. I would not be in a good mood awakening to dishes in the sink. Cleaning the kitchen or making sure it’s clean is a must before bed, no matter how late the hour.

  3. We don't have an ice maker in our freezer and I didn't know you could get a separate ice maker! Genius! If it makes you feel better, I read in a book on minimalism that you shouldn't make your bed until just before you go to bed -- that way the sheets, etc. can air out during the day.

  4. Fun post! I'm glad you got to take a day off. It seems you were ready for one. I like your BILD before bedtime. We stay in a favorite Air BnB in Seattle, and they have a countertop ice maker. It seems like a fun extravagance.

  5. You will have to tell me more about this ice maker because I am also chronically in need of ice for my drinks. I have a routine with my trays, but it annoys me.


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